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About Us

The Daffodil Room Group is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit public charity foundation.

Impacting Families

Our Support turn dreams into reality, One family at a time.


The Daffodil Room Group

At The Daffodil Room Group, our heartfelt commitment is to support families on their unique journeys to parenthood and beyond. We understand the challenges and complexities that come with infertility, fertility treatments, pregnancy loss, and adoption. Our mission is to be a pillar of support and a source of evidence-based information for individuals and couples navigating these paths. Whether you are exploring fertility treatments, coping with the emotional toll of infertility, experiencing the heartbreak of pregnancy loss, or embarking on the beautiful journey of adoption, we are here for you.

Our Vision

Our Vision is centered around breaking down barriers and dispelling social taboos associated with infertility, pregnancy loss, fertility treatments, and adoption. We aspire to create a world where these deeply personal experiences are met with understanding, empathy, and open dialogue. 

Empowering Families, Embracing Journeys

Nurturing Dreams, Creating Families

What We Do

We actively work towards promoting education on infertility, pregnancy loss, fertility treatments, and adoption. We believe that knowledge is a powerful tool in breaking down misconceptions and fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment. Through our initiatives, we strive to reach communities far and wide, sparking meaningful conversations that challenge preconceptions and encourage compassion.


My Friend,

It breaks my heart that I have found you here. For you seeking solace in us, means that this beautiful, yet unpredictable, and sometimes cruel world has left you with empty arms. Arms that long to hold a child that you can call your own. I know the ache that echoes inside of you. I know the lump in your throat that forms at the announcement of a pregnancy or newborn who has made their arrival into this world. I know the battle you face while navigating the complex and tumultuous emotions of being happy for those around you, but hurting deeply and mourning for yourself. The questions of why, when, and “what did I do to deserve this?” are never ending in your mind, and it feels as if it has consumed the person that you once were, someone whose optimism and sense of peace you no longer recognize. You used to dream of a house full of children, but now you beg and plead for just one…

I hear you. I see you. I feel what you feel.

Listen to me when I say, this is not it for you. You may feel alone. You may feel that there is no hope. But if there is one thing that my own journey has taught me, it is that you could not be more wrong. Life may not end up looking how you originally thought it would. Instead life,, through its never ending twists and turns, has a way of surprising you, if you let it. I promise you this. This journey that you are on, it is not wasted time. It is shaping you into a devoted, dedicated, passionate, and loving parent, long before a child arrives. You are strong, and that strength and courage will shine and guide you as you become the parent you have always dreamt to be. But you will be even better.

In this time, when life feels dark and empty, lean into those who make you feel safe and supported. Your circle may become smaller as time goes by, but those who remain will share in your joy more than you could ever imagine. I am rooting for you.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey.

Get Your Free Consultation Today

Let's Schedule a 15-minute Free Consultation call with our team and get the support you need on your journey to parenthood.